梅原美奈子 | Minako Umehara
夫の転勤に伴いアメリカで8年間生活。2015年よりオーストラリア メルボルン在住。
オーストラリアでヴィーガンクッキングに興味を持つ。PLANTLAB Culinary(旧Matthew Kenney Culinary)Fundamentals of Plant-Based Cooking Level1 online course、Plant Based Desserts online course修了。
I was born in north Japan. I worked as a graphic and web designer until age 35 when I moved to USA because of my husband’s work. I learned organic farming, and eventually I had a chance to work at an organic farm as a volunteer when I lived in Atlanta, Georgia. While I worked at the farm, I started cooking classes with my farm friends using the vegetables we harvested at the farm.
About 2 years ago, after living in USA for 8 years, I moved to Melbourne, again because of my husband’s business. After moving here, I started volunteering at a NPO vegan cafe, as I was really interested in vegan cooking. I took Fundamentals of Plant-Based Cooking Level1 online course and Plant Based Desserts online course at PLANTLAB Culinary (formerly Matthew Kenney Culinary). Now I run cooking classes using organic vegetables at my house and cafes.
Instagram: 365cleaneats